Causes of school dropout at the secondary level in the Barani areas of the Punjab. (A case study of Rawalpindi District). J Appl Sci 2004;4: 155-8.Qayyum Mohsin, A., Aslam, M., & Bashir, F. (2004). Causes of School Dropouts at the Secondary Level in the Barani Areas of the ...
Rani (2007), "Causes of School Dropouts Among Rural Girls in Kathua District", Journal of Human Ecology, 22(1): 57-59.Kotwal N, Neelima Rani S 2007. Causes of School Drop - Outs among rural girls in Kathua District. J Hum Ecol, 22(1): 57-59....
The children have to face the wrath of both the parents and the teachers. This tension slowly builds up and the child decides to quit the school forever. This paper analyzes the causes for dropouts and concentrates mainly on the tensions experienced by teachers, parents and the students in ...
Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) first and then the newly introduced Induced Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (IFCM), we analyze the causes for school drop outs, suggest ways and means to reduce the rate of dropouts and highlights the importance of motivation and encouragement to all the parties involved ...
someofthe majorcausesoftruancyinareaandcametoconclusiononpossiblestrategiestoimprovelearnerattendance,thus, minimizingjuveniledelinquency,reducingschooldropoutsandprotectingyouthagainstdrugs. Keywords. "truancyschooldropout,learnerattendance,juveniledeliquency Introduction Moreoftenthannot,truancyisthefirstsignoftrouble,the...
Of note, the simulations discussed hereafter have limitations, including compliance, dropouts, biases that may arise from enthusiastic volunteers, and therefore the projections obtained by extrapolating the effects after 3–6 months of the FMD to a lifelong intervention have to be cautiously interpreted...
'. Forty questionnaires were administered to forty teachers and structured interviews conducted with the heads of the five schools, pupils primary school dropouts and parents / care givers. The study found that there are similarities and differences in the causes of school'dropout in the two ...
Male students who get admitted to secondary schools drop out before thecompletion of the secondary school cycle.This study investigated the causes of male dropouts in public secondary schools inKipipiri Division of Nyandarua District. It sought to find out the reasons for the highdrop out of ...
School of Economy and Business of the University of Barcelona (Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona). An “ad-hoc” questionnaire has been prepared and the opinions of 1,162 undergraduates have been analyzed. The reasons given by each population differ in hierarchy and ...
, discuss, and provide an overview of the causes of school dropouts in Topporeng Village, Mallusetasi Sub-District seen from the following perspective: (1) interest in going to school, (2) the economic condition of dropouts, and (3) the environment where children drop ...