They're not as common, but other conditions can cause head and scalp sores. They include viruses likechickenpox, and a group of rareautoimmune diseasescalled pemphigus, which happen when your immune system attacks healthy cells. A couple of other caused are lichen planus and cutaneouslupus. When...
I have scaly scalp but I don't think I have any of the conditions mentioned in the article. It started recently, after I moved to Florida. The hot and humid climate has affected my skin and scalp a lot. I'm experiencing excessive oil production on my face and my scalp. The oil is...
"Burning mouth syndrome" is a phenomenon that often includes the tongue (often called "burning tongue"). Other symptoms include increased thirst with the feeling of a dry mouth, as well as an altered or metallic taste. It has been associated with other conditions that includemenopause,anxiety,d...
I think I have scalp folliculitis. I’m not sure but my friend told me that. He used to have small problem with them and he told me also that some folliculitis may go away without medical treatment within two to three days. I want to know what causes scalp folliculitis?
SCALPOLDER womenZINC sulfatePHOTODYNAMIC therapyErosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp is a rare condition which primarily affects older women after local trauma and has historically been treated with topical steroids. As it is a rare entity and resembles other dermatologic conditions, it ...
Itching of the scalpcan be caused by several conditions, includingdandruffseborrheic dermatitis What is the most common symptom of pruritus? Depending upon the underlying cause, itchiness may be associated with other symptoms and signs. Most commonly, these associated findings include skin lesions such...
@candyquilt-- Be careful with those dyes. Although a little bit of tingling might be okay, if the tingling is severe or if you feel a burning sensation or pain, that's dangerous. These chemicals do cause scalp and skin allergies in many people. They can also burn hair if left on for...
Both of these scalp conditions are easily transmitted by head-to-head contact. They can also spread from object to human; a common occurrence is when children share caps or brushes. Towels and pillows can also facilitate transmission [source: Mayo Clinic]. Itchy Scalp Treatments The right trea...
Treatment with antibiotics can lead to a yeast infection and irritation of the anus. Psoriasis can irritate the anus. Abnormal passageways (fistulas) from the small intestine or colon to the skin surrounding the anus can form as a result of medical conditions (such as Crohn's disease), and ...
Scalp scabs can be caused by a variety of conditions, usually those that cause itching and irritation. This includes bacterial and...