Upper respiratory infections are one of the most frequent causes for a doctor visit, with symptoms ranging from a runny nose,sore throatandcoughtobreathingdifficulty and lethargy. In the United States, upper respiratory infections are the most common illness leading to missing school or work. Althou...
COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is best known for the upper respiratory symptoms it causes: cough, shortness of breath, congestion, runny nose, difficulty breathing and sore throat. But it can also cause intense gastrointestinal distress that could be mistaken for norovirus, rotavi...
Compared with most other viral respiratory infections, such as the common cold, influenza (flu) infection usually causes a more severe illness with a mortality rate (death rate) of about 0.1% of people infected with the virus. Cold symptoms (for example, sore throat, runny nose, cough (with...
The olfactory receptors in the nose and taste buds in the mouth decrease in number as we age. This causes a gradual reduction in taste and smell. It is more noticeable in seniors. Sweet and salty tastes are often reported to be impaired. The dulling of these senses may not cause any ma...
Performing the Valsalva maneuver (try breathing out forcefully through the mouth while keeping your mouth closed and nose pinched) The Brain Freeze Oh no, not again! Another frozen treat, another brain freeze. "Ice cream headaches" happen when something cold touches nerves in the roof of the mo...
The causes of both environmental and tissue hypoxia often result in the intermediate state of hypoxemia; thus, the causes of any type of hypoxia are also potential causes of hypoxemia. Some of the many causes of the condition include: