Formula-feeding babies typically have pasty, peanut-butter consistency stools. Healthy stools may be shades of yellow or brown and smell more odorous than a breastfed baby’s. Diarrhea in formula-fed babies commonly appears to be:2 Runny Slimy, mucus-streaked or blood-tinged Bright yellow Whitis...
Fecal condition was assessed based on color and consistency according to a 5-point scale: 0, no defecation or solid; 1, firm, orange, does not smear; 2, pasty, orange or mixed color, does not smear; 3, orange or yellow, semi-liquid and smears; 4, yellow, liquid, and smears. For ...
For stool consistency, 0 points were assigned for well-formed pellets, 2 points for pasty and semiformed stools that did not adhere to the anus, and 4 points for liquid stools that adhered to the anus. For bleeding, 0 was assigned for no blood, 2 points for positive bleeding, and 4 ...