A low-grade fever is often the first sign of an infection. When the body temperature is normal, infectious bacteria and viruses are able to thrive. A fever is the body's way of creating a hostile environment to help neutralize them.3 Low-grade fevers also have non-infectious causes, inclu...
The most common symptoms of cat scratch fever are swollen, tender lymph nodes, a low-grade fever, and a skin rash. Most cases get better on their own, but you can help ease some of your symptoms with ibuprofen or naproxen. Kids younger than 5 and immunocompromised adults are at increased...
Diphtheria is rare in developed countries due to widespread vaccination, but it still occurs in some parts of the world, particularly in areas with limited access to healthcare and low vaccination rates. Unvaccinated or under-vaccinated individuals, especially children, are at the highest risk of c...
When the disease is active, RA symptoms and signs can include: fatigue, loss of energy, lack of appetite, low-grade fever, muscle and joint pain, joint redness, joint swelling, joint tenderness, joint warmth, joint deformity, rheumatoid nodules, stiffness, loss of joint range of motion, loss...
Low-grade fever Chills Headache Muscle ache Fatigue Most of these symptoms aren’t serious, but diarrhea and vomiting can remove a lot of the fluid your body needs. This could lead to dehydration. Children and older adults are most likely to experiencedehydration, along with malnutrition from no...
fatigue, soreness, stiffness and aching, particularly in the morning and afternoon (described as morning stiffness and afternoon fatigue) lumps or rheumatoid nodules below the skin weight loss low-grade fever and sweats trouble sleeping weakness and loss of mobility depression.Other...
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused byMycobacterium tuberculosisbacteria. This bacteria enters the lungs and multiples, leading to symptoms like pain, difficulty breathing, cold sweats, low-grade fever and coughing with blood. The emergence of blood is actually one of the main symptoms associa...
Low-grade fevers Weight loss Fatigue Other symptoms of Crohn's disease may be attributable to related medical conditions affecting the skin, joints, mouth, eyes, (uveitis or Crohn's disease eyes), liver, and bile ducts. What Causes Crohn's Disease? The exact cause of Crohn's disease remai...
Additionally, conditions such as tension headachesormigrainesmay present with a mild fever due to the body’sstressresponse or inflammatory processes. Other factors, including environmental stressors, heat exposure,fatigue, and hormonal changes, can also lead to the development of fever and headache. ...
Fatigue Low-grade fever Lack of energy Loss of appetite Bumps under the skin (rheumatoid nodules) Shortness of breath due to inflammation or damage to the lungs Hoarseness Eye problems In addition to these symptoms, muscle and joint stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis is usually worse in the morni...