The shaking usually starts on one hand, but over time may spread to the other. You may also move more slowly, have trouble with balance, or find that your arms and legs stiffen up. The main treatment for Parkinson's tremors is medication and sometimes surgery for better muscle control. ...
Sensory ataxia is the result of damage to nerves in your spinal cord or your peripheral nervous system. That is the part of your nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord. When you have sensory ataxia, you have less sensation in your feet and legs from the nerve damage, so yo...
Vibrating, trembling, shaking, tremoring internally or externally Warm spells Weak - feel weak, weakness, low energy, light, soft, like you may faint Weak legs, Jelly legs, heavy and tired legs Weak limbs/extremities Weight gain; sudden weight gain Weight loss; sudden weight loss Wrinkled, Pr...
Restless leg syndrome is often abbreviated as RLS; it has also been termed shaking leg syndrome. Nighttime involuntary jerking of the legs during sleep is also known as periodic leg/limb movement disorder. What are the two types of restless leg syndrome? Restless leg syndrome (RLS) can be cla...
Restless leg syndrome is often abbreviated as RLS; it has also been termed shaking leg syndrome. Nighttime involuntary jerking of the legs during sleep is also known as periodic leg/limb movement disorder. What are the two types of restless leg syndrome? Restless leg syndrome (RLS) can be cla...
"I once saw a dog running on three legs, with a bone sticking out of the lame leg, and I will never forget how the owner said "at least she is not in pain." Of course the dog was in pain! — Dr. Rebecca, Just Answer Veterinarian ...
Causes of Liver Wind Excess fire affecting the Liver Fire creates Wind enters the Blood level high fever (diseases such as meningitis) poisons, toxins, radiation, drugs, alcohol constitutional Liver Fire Pulse: rapid, wiry, excess Tongue: red, yellow coat; shaking or stiff Liver Yin Xu, Yang...
Studies have shown that by the time primary symptoms appear, individuals with Parkinson's disease will have lost 60% to 80% or more of the dopamine-producing cells in the brain. Characteristic motor symptoms include: Tremors: Trembling in fingers, hands, arms, feet, legs, jaw, or head. ...
Other trauma-spectrum symptoms (which are also common in PTSD) include anxiety, low mood, difficulty concentrating, numbing (lack of emotion), and feelings of shame and guilt. Trauma symptoms also include physical manifestations, such as headaches, nausea, shaking, chest tightness, shallow breathing...
Compression stockings.These help push the blood up from your legs to your heart. You'll want ones that provide at least 30-40 minutes of compression and go all the way up to your waist or at least up to yourthighs. Your doctor can prescribe a pair. ...