This article examines the notion of farm size inequality expressed as sales inequality in the United States. The farm size index (FSI) is developed as a measure of farm size inequality. FSIs are calculated for the farming sector in all 50 states and large variation in farm size across the ...
These characteristics are responsible for the observed evolution over time of inequality.doi:10.1080/09645292.2012.736475Oppedisano, VeruskaTurati, GilbertoEducation EconomicsOppedisano, Veruska and Turati, Gilberto (2015). "What are the causes of educational inequality and of its evolution over time in ...
The article presents the author's opinions on health inequality in the United Kingdom which exists between the poor and others. Arguments are presented which suggest that while the UK has a clearly stated commitment to stop health inequalities it also allows disparities in wealth to widen which ...
Understanding the causes of income inequality in complex economic systems We suggest in this paper that inequality in economic systems can be profitably analysed using complex systems analysis. We explain how we can capture, analytically, complexity in an economic system by applying graph theory in ...
Converging lines of inquiry from across the social and biological sciences target the adult sex ratio (ASR; the proportion of males in the adult population) as a fundamental population-level determinant of behavior. The ASR, which indicates the relative
56-62 are the culmination of a major research project undertaken by the Institute, aiming at the re-examination of the causes underlying economic inequality in the United States. The papers focus on the analysis of the important issues of inequality, poverty, gender and special demographic groups...
“Research shows us that education, income, housing, and access to transportation play a significant role in an individual’s overall health. “This collaboration will help us better identify the local social economic and environmental factors that influence the health and wellbeing of our residents...
Identifying the Causes of Gender Inequality in Compensation among Faculty at the University of TexasMueller, Anna StrassmannShifrer, Dara ReneeMuller, ChandraRaley, Kelly
Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and other essentials beyond income for a minimum standard of living.
In terms of the consequences of inequality, the growth/equity trade-off across Canadian regions varies significantly over the short- vs. medium-term horizons. In the short run, our results suggest that inequality is positively related to regional economic growth. This response changes as we move ...