Poverty, Illiteracy, unemployment, lack of good schools and growth of informal economy are major causes of child labour in India. The results revealed that majority (58%)of the respondents were engaged in Agriculture. Nearly (73%) of the respondents were wage-paid workers and semi-skilled. ...
Massive, coordinated, multidisciplinary and sustainable efforts are needed to bridge the multitude of gaps keeping in view poverty and illiteracy as compounding factors.doi:10.1192/j.eurpsy.2024.1232R. GuptaEuropean Psychiatry
Poverty and illiteracy among the parents of these children are measured as the core cause of this problem. Home-based workers, street vendors, agricultural labourers, and other miscellaneous help providers constitute the unorganized sector of the economy. Thus, we need to focus more and more on ...
It is suggested to have differentAwareness Programmes, educational programmes and informationalprogrammes for illiterate farmers that may help to reduce the rate ofsuicide among them.Keywords: Suicide, Farmers, Debt, IlliteracyIntroduction The most tragic event in the history of India is the phenomenon ...
High illiteracy levels were expected among parents of potential participants. To ensure compliance with the highest ethical standards, as well as participants’ and parents’ understanding of the aims and process of the project, a phone-based verbal consent and written consent were taken. Urdu ...