Bariatrics is the branch of medicine that deals withthecauses,prevention, and treatmentof obesity. 肥胖症不仅影响外形和生活质量,更可导致许多健康隐患,如高血压、糖尿病和睡眠呼吸暂停。 ...
The complex interaction between diet composition, eating and physical activity behaviors, and human physiology makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact mechanism through which prevalence of obesity has increased.doi:10.1057/978-1-137-47831-3_4Julian M. Alston...
Causes of Obesity and Consequences of Obesity Prevention in Non‐human Primates and Other Animal Models Hansen BC 2001 Causes of obesity and consequences of obesity prevention in non-human primates and other animal models. In: Bjo¨ rntorp P, ed. Interna... BC Hansen - John Wiley & Sons, ...
Obesity is under the action of environmental and genetic factors, excessive body fat accumulation or abnormal distribution, the actual weight more than the ideal weight, can be complicated with cardiovascular disease and endocrine metabolic disorders.Due to obesity itself and its related diseases to hea...
Recently, a research has found that teenagers are exposed to the risk of having obesity. There is no sign to show that the statistics decline. It even rises...
摘要: This proceedings contains abstracts on the epidemiology, aetiology, prevalence, clinical signs, risk factors, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of obesity and its associated medical conditions in domestic animals.关键词: Lianyungang marine clay Salt concentration Cement Stabilization Electrical ...
Body fat (adipose tissue) is made up of fat cells. Obesity results when the body has too many fat cells or when fat cells are overfilled with fat. © C.P. Hickman/Visuals Unlimited. It is also possible to be obese without being overweight. For example, a very inactive person with...
Obesity and Infertility PCOS Premature Ovarian Failure Prolactin And Infertility Smoking and Infertility Stress and Infertility Thin Uterine Lining Adenomyosis and Infertility Anatomy of the uterus To understand adenomyosis, it is necessary to understand that the uterus has different layers. The innermost ...
Transgenic mice harbouring a loss of function GPR10 variant found in an individual with obesity, gain excessive weight due to decreased energy expenditure rather than increased food intake. This evidence supports a role for GPR10 in human energy homeostasis. Therapeutic targeting of GPR10 may ...
Obesity. Although hypothyroidism may curb your appetite, you can gain weight because your metabolism slows down and you don’t burn enough calories. Peripheral neuropathy. Over time, low thyroid hormones can damage your peripheral nerves. You may notice pain, tingling, or numbness in your limbs....