Vaginitis — Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. It can be caused by an allergic reaction to an irritating chemical (spermicide, douche, bath soap), a low level of estrogen after menopause, or an object such as a tampon that was not removed. It can also be caused by infection....
Transdermal Estrogen In Menopause Causes Dose-Dependent ResponsesNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03291995Springer International PublishingInpharma
Menopause.This is when it's been a year since you had a period. Your ovaries have stopped releasing eggs and making most of your estrogen. Postmenopause.These are the years after menopause. Symptoms such ashot flashesand night sweats usually ease. But health risks related to the loss of es...
Menopause.This is when it's been a year since you had a period. Your ovaries have stopped releasing eggs and making most of your estrogen. Postmenopause.These are the years after menopause. Symptoms such ashot flashesand night sweats usually ease. But health risks related to the loss of es...
Female athletes who exercise excessively may also stop ovulating. This condition, called amenorrhea, often coexists with eating disorders and osteoporosis, a condition referred to as the “female athlete triad.” This condition, and its resulting infertility, is often treated with estrogen therapy, ...
Estrogen— When prescribed for other menopausal symptoms, this female hormone may help when rosacea is aggravated by the hot flashes of menopause. The smallest dose of estrogen that controls menopausal symptoms should be used, then the hormone should be stopped when hot flashes no longer occur. ...
While the cause of menopause is primarily hormonal changes, certain factors may influence the time when menopause occurs, whether early or late. All functions related to menstruation and menopause are controlled by hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Menopause occurs when a woman stops menstruating and...
Osteoporosis is a bone condition that’s primarily caused by bone loss. This bone disease most often affects women because the estrogen changes that occur during menopause sharply decrease bone density. This drop in bone density affects strength and bala
irregular periodsand fertility problems (chronic stress drivespregnenolone/progesteroneinto conversion to cortisol, whichcompetesfor precursors available for synthesizing of other important hormones, like DHEA, estrogen and estradiol) high blood pressurelevels (cortisolnarrowsthe arteries while theepinephrineincreas...
Aromatase inhibitors are another form of hormone therapy. These drugs decrease the amount of estrogen in the body by blocking estrogen production in all other tissues except the ovaries. Aromatase inhibitors are most useful in menopausal women, because the ovaries stop making estrogen after menopause....