trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, propofol (intravenous infusion), or an overdose of a heart medication digoxin,high blood pressuremedications ACE inhibitors (captopril, enalapril), angiotensin receptor blockers or ARBs (losartan), beta-blockers (propranolol), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs ...
胸部CT检查示右下肺叶直径3.4cm、不规则高密度肿块阴影,同侧肺门淋巴结肿大,直径约1.1cm,支气管显微镜检查为鳞癌,行全肺切除后,该患者术后第一日,BP;120/80mmHg,心率;88次/分钟,呼吸22次/分钟,体温37.5℃,CVP1.57KPa(16cmH2O),尿颜色和量正常,下列护理措施正确的是() A. 保持胸腔引流管通畅使之...
– Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies Charles Perrow(1984) 醫療處置錯失醫療處置錯失 醫療處置錯失醫療處置錯失 現代醫療系統為一複雜且緊密相依的系統 ,疏 失事故難以避免 。 傳統以加強人員訓練與監督來避免疏失發生無 法達成目的 培羅常態事故理論提醒我們-重點是對運用系 統方式來預測意外發生...
Virus stock used for animal challenge was diluted 1/10 to reduce the risk of adverse reactions such as laryngospasm during virus challenge, while still maintaining a high enough dose to maximize the likelihood of infection. The challenge doses of inocula were confirmed by back titration. Animals...