Health providers might not think they would see the words “gang violence” and “public health” together. But the nurses who work in emergency rooms, schools, local public health agencies, and health clinics in an environment with high levels of gang activities are higher at risk to ...
Although public perception of school violence tends to focus on severe forms of violence such as gang fights or assaults with a weapon, others types of aggression merit consideration. There is a need to distinguish between aggressive behavior which occurs when someone seeks to hurt another person ...
In Haiti, trafficked guns and ammunition are a big part of the increase in gang violence, which has contributed to murders, kidnappings and displacements. According to data, homicides and kidnappings doubled in 2022. #10. Exposure to violence Violence has a cyclical effect. When people are ...
The crack in the chalkboard: rampage and serious violence in schools. Springer. 2. “It was unthinkable that these kids didn’t have a simple black and white reason for what they did. Therefore, a scapegoat was needed.” (translation by author)....
structure and discipline school provides, a student in an overcrowded, underfunded school does not have a secure, supportive school environment. Students in schools where violence and chaos are the norm can get into fights, become involved in gangs, access drugs easily and develop anti-authority ...
structure and discipline school provides, a student in an overcrowded, underfunded school does not have a secure, supportive school environment. Students in schools where violence and chaos are the norm can get into fights, become involved in gangs, access drugs easily and develop anti-authority ...
60% of student in Texas public schools live in poverty. Studies published by The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, have found that socioeconomic status, not race, ethnicity, national origin, location of aschoolis the best predictor of whether a person will receive a collegeeducation....
It works to reduce and prevent bullying, cyberbullying and other digital abuse, educates against homophopia, LGBTQIA+, discrimination, racism and hatred and deters violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. STOMP promotes civility, diversity, inclusion equity and equality. ...
Conflicts such aswar and gang violenceoften force families to flee their homes or destroy them altogether. Children in these situations may suddenly lose their shelter, access to food and in some cases, their caregivers. Conflict also destroys infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and roads, lea...
For decades, urban areas have been rife with pain and suffering due to violence. Chicago, Illinois is a prime example of this modern American tragedy. The city’s murder rate is among the highest in the nation. Shootings, drug-dealing, car-jacking, gang activity, and other catego...