Injections of botulinum toxin (Botox) can also help prevent migraines. Sometimes your healthcare provider may combine medications in order to better treat your symptoms. Are flashing lights in eyes serious? “A common misconception is that flashes of light and floaters are always harmless. While th...
Possibly genetics because about 50% of people with ocular migraines have a family history of them. It's rare, but people who have these types of migraine may have a higher risk of permanent vision loss in one eye. Experts don't know whether medications that prevent migraines -- such as ...
Menstrual migraine.This is when your headaches are linked to your period. Theyusually start 2 days before your period and last until 3 days after. You may also have other kinds of migraine headaches at other times of the month.Menstrual migrainesdon't usually include aura. ...
It is important to note that there is a difference in the cause of migraines and the triggers for migraines. A cause is what makes a person susceptible to migraines, while a trigger is what may bring on a migraine. "Many patients know what will trigger a migraine in them," said Dr. ...
Eye pain has many causes, signs, symptoms, and treatments. It's also described as pain behind the eye, eye socket pain, or shooting or stabbing pain in the eye. Headaches, migraines, and sinusitis can be common causes of eye pain.
Bradley Katz, MD, a neuro-ophthalmologist at the University of Utah's Moran Eye Center who specializes in treating migraine-related light sensitivity, says that a lot of people go undiagnosed or their migraines are misdiagnosed. "It's rare to find someone with migraines who doesn't have a ...
Retinal migraine is characterized by a temporaryvisionloss in one eye often along with an aura. Chronic Migraine If you have 15 or more days with a migraine a month, you likely have chronic migraines. People with chronic migraines may not always experience their migraines as severe every day ...
Hormonal headache – getting free from the cycle of pain! Finding solutions to hormonal headache – there really ARE ways to fight the pain! Eye migraines – symptoms of eye or silent migraine and what to do about them. What are eye migraines? Here's the low down on ocular, ophthalmic, ...
What is the main cause of vestibular migraines? Vestibular migraines, like other migraines, tend to run in families. Scientists are still studying the condition, as there isn't a single cause. Women and those assigned female at birth are more likely to have this condition. ...
Research has shown that many "sinus headaches" are really of migrainous origin. As children grow older, headache intensity and duration increases, and migraines begin to happen at more regular intervals. Older children also describe a pulsating or throbbing characteristic to their headaches. Headaches...