Even some people with dry eyes may also experience watering due to reflex tearing as the eye attempts to keep itself moist.What is a blocked tear duct? Tears are produced continuously and are drawn into a small hole in the inner corner of your eyelid known as a punctum. There is one in...
Disc herniation is predominant within the lumbar spine, but it may occur in any spine region. The causes of disc herniation include injury and excessive strain. Disc herniation can be diagnosed through an X-ray that uses radiation to examine the spine....
Most vaginal cuts should heal on their own in a few days. However, some may need medical care. For example, a tear in the V-shaped fold of skin at the bottom of the entrance to the vagina (posterior fourchette fissure) can develop into a deeper tear. It requires prompt medical attentio...
Aortic dissection.It happens when there's a tear in the inner layer of a weak spot in your aorta, the big artery carrying blood from your heart to the rest of your body. You may suddenly feel a sharp pain in your chest or back, like tearing or ripping. Other symptoms include shortnes...
Persian Cats may suffer from chronic eye infections. Persians are prone to hereditary eye conditions that can result in excess tearing and eye infections. What are some of the Symptoms of Cat Conjunctivitis? (Also known as Pink Eye) The cat’s eye membranes may be red and swollen ...
Excessivetearingor watery discharge Thick white, grey or colored discharge Red eyes Eye pain, burning or other irritation Light sensitivity SEE RELATED:The difference between white, yellow and green eye discharge Eye boogers in babies A baby’s eyes work the same way yours do, so eye boogers ar...
Humans have four pairs of these cavities: Frontal sinus (in the forehead) Maxillary sinus (behind cheeks) Ethmoid sinuses (between the eyes) Sphenoid sinus (deep behind the ethmoids) The four pairs of sinuses are often described as a unit called the "paranasal sinuses." The cells of the ...
In fact, it isn't clear whether sucheyecomplications stem from Graves' disease itself or a totally separate but closely linked disorder. If you have developed thyroid eye disease, youreyes may ache and feel dry and irritated. Protruding eyeballs are prone to excessive tearing and redness, ...
Although most cases of tinnitus are related to non-urgent causes, acute tinnitus can be a symptom of a critical health problem requiring emergency care, such as stroke, hypertensive crisis, carotid artery dissection (tearing of the arterial wall), tumor, brain injury, aneurysm, or hemorrhage.2,...
a person will find difficulty in seeing near objects despite the far vision being clear. Eyestrain symptoms include eye pain, burning, redness of the eye, excessive tearing and headaches. With age, usually after 40, farsightedness sets in and even if a person had normal vision or was hyperop...