Bleeding during pregnancy may be normal (implantation bleeding) or it may be a sign of a more serious problem. Abnormal vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is a common problem, complicating 20%-30% of all pregnancies. More serious reasons for bleeding du
One thing to note about bleeding during early pregnancy is that it's different from spotting. Spotting is brown or pink and it's often caused by a little bruising of the cervix from sex or exercise. Bleeding is bright red, and it is definitely more ominous. ...
Common causes of bleeding in pregnancyVicki Seltzer
Case Series: Uncommon Causes of Bleeding in Pregnancy – the role of the Radiologist in diagnosis and management.We reviewed the hospital records of the patients with bleeding in pregnancy who were referred to the radiology department for further diagnostic evaluation during a period of 2 years ...
One way to know it's implantation bleeding: You may have other earlysymptoms of pregnancy, such as tender breasts or morning sickness. Wait a few days after the spotting stops to do a home pregnancy test. Your doctor can do a blood test earlier than that to tell you whether you're preg...
Most women will experience discomforts during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters of her pregnancy. Common causes of discomforts during pregnancy include pica (rare), morning sickness, fatigue, breast swelling and pain, hemorrhoids, stretch marks, dizziness
swelling, redness, and bleeding while brushing, as well as inflammation around the gums. You'll also want to look out for periodontitis, a gum infection that damages the soft tissue and the bone that supports your teeth, and tooth erosion or cavities due to vomiting in your early pregnancy....
Decidual Bleeding Causes During early pregnancy, rapid changes in hormone levels in the body can result in Ovulation or Uterine Lining Thickening in spite of the presence of an inseminated egg. The lining can be shed around the time when a pregnant woman is going through her normal menstrual pe...
If you have both bleeding and pain, the chances of your pregnancy continuing are much lower. It's very important to be aware that vaginal bleeding, spotting, or pain in early pregnancy can also signal anectopicor amolar pregnancy. Also, if your blood isRh-negative, you may need a shot ...
The most commonsymptoms of anemiaduring pregnancy are: Paleskin, lips, and nails Feeling tired or weak Dizziness Shortness of breath Rapid heartbeat Trouble concentrating In the early stages of anemia, you may not have obvious symptoms. And many of the symptoms are ones that you might have wh...