Heart conditions were the most common causes of death in Mexico in 2023. During that period, more than 189,000 people died in the North American country as a result from said conditions. Diabetes mellitus ranked second, with over 110,000 deaths registered that year. Obesity in MexicoObesity ...
Nearly 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust while millions became refugees in countries such as the Philippines. Dr. Josef Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death, killed more than 2,800 twins because of his experiments. Anne Frank and her sister died at the Bergen-Belsen camp one month...
Of all the crises that affect us, the most damaging is that of the medical sector. It is the poor, the old and the sick, who are not able to meet the prohibitive costs of private health services, who are the most affected. Pictures of elders turned away from empty clinics by sudden ...
The 1580 pandemic began in Asia during the summer, and then spread to Africa and Europe. Within six months, influenza had spread from southern Europe all the way to the northern European countries, and the infection subsequently reached the Americas. The actual death toll is unknown, but 8,00...
Men drafted into the army, hospitalized during 1944-1945 for service-connected trauma of the extremities and consequently separated for distability were followed for mortality from Jan. 1946 to April, 1977. Three groups were established consisting of those whose injury resulted in limb amputation, ...
Incidence of tuberculosis in China 2013-2023 Number of fatalities Japan 2022, by cause of death Italy: share of healthcare-associated infections 2016, by site Structure of malignant tumor deaths in women in Poland 2021 Leading causes of death among males Philippines 2021, by disease ...
of atsunamithat rose up to 80 feet (25 metres) high on the expanse of Chilean coastline—bounded by the cities ofLebuandPuerto Aisen—that paralleled the subducting plate. The combined effects of the disaster left two million people homeless. Though the death toll was never fully resolved, ...
ofVermont, who had just returned from a tour of Cuba. In matter-of-fact and unsensational language, Proctor described his observations of the war-torn island: the suffering and death in the reconcentration areas, the devastation elsewhere, and the evident inability of the Spanish to crush the...
which can continue long after the famine has officially ended. In the Bengal famine, for example, deaths from starvation occurred between the critical months of March and November 1943, but the overalldeath ratedid not peak until later—in the period from December 1943 through December 1944, whe...