The diagnosis of an ear infection is made by examining the inside of the ear with an instrument called an otoscope. A normal, healthy eardrum has a pinkish-gray color as shown here. The healthy eardrum is clear, while an infected eardrum is bulging (swollen) and reddened. A doctor may a...
An infection of the outer and middle ear (otitis externa andotitis media) is the most common cause of asmelly eardischarge (otorrhea). A purulent discharge may appear white to pale yellow initially. Initially the discharge may be odorless but can progress into a foul smelling odor. With more...
Cholesteatoma (growth of tissue in the middle ear leading to the destruction of the ossicles) Facial paralysis Mastoiditis Brain abscess Treatment TOP antibiotics Age less than 2 years Otitis bilateral I was wrong Intense symptoms, such as high fever, pain and prostration ...
Due to the extended treatment period required to clear fungal organism, timely diagnosis with culture for bacteria and fungus is required in patients with persistent otorrhea. An increase in incidence of fungal infections of the ear was found in the period after widespread use of ofloxacin began....
Another reason you may see clear fluid draining from the ear is after a surgery. This also may happen as a result of chronic (long-term) ear disease, includingchronic middle ear infectionsor cancer.4 Pus or Cloudy Ear drainage that is cloudy, whitish-yellow, or pus-like can indicate an ...