to produce large numbers of abnormal white blood cells, which eventually overwhelm your normal blood cells. This makes you more prone to infection. Leukemia also makes your blood less able to clot normally when capillaries burst and bleed beneath your skin. That’s why petechiae form in leukemia...
Eyes.Your first sign of vasculitis might be red, itchy, or burning eyes. You could also see double and have temporary or permanent blindness in one or both eyes. Skin. You might get rashes, lumps, or open sores if vasculitis affects blood vessels going to your skin. Nerves. If your ner...
Hypertension can cause damage to blood vessels in the eyes, leading to retinopathy, or damage to the retina. Retinal damage becomes severe when blood pressure levels are high and remain elevated for a prolonged period of time. Demographics ...
feeling of cold in entire body profuse urination or edema strong fatigue pale face possibly green or purple lips Purple or black under eyes if the Kidney Yang is damaged Pulse: slow, weak Tongue: pale, white coat, tooth marks Cold contracting the Qi and Blood Cold slows circulation, contracts...
Yellowish color of the skin and white of eyes (jaundice) Poorexercisetolerance Shortness of breath Dark urine Fever Painin the abdomen or joints Enlargement of spleen and/or liver Blood tests,urinalysis, andbone marrow aspiration How is hemolysis diagnosed?
You will just be unaware of it until it has built to the level where it is going to burst forth in full force – in this way a food allergy or intolerance develops over time into irritable bowel syndrome, or asthma, excema, or if other factors are also present, into colitis, or ...
These secondary lesions with rashes may be painless like the mother yaw or they may be filled with pus, burst, and form ulcers. The affected child often experiences malaise (feels poorly) and anorexia (loss of appetite). The latent stage occurs when the disease symptoms abate, although an oc...
But in the case of diabetes, the high level of blood glucose spills into the urine, pulling extra water out of the body along with it. Feeling very thirsty is also common, because the body needs to make up for all the liquid lost through urination. Feeling hungry and eating a lot are...
vessel, making it easy for clots to form and further occlude the vessel. The clots can break free only to travel to and block smaller vessels inside the brain. The blood vessels inside the brain itself can accumulate this plaque. Occasionally, weakened vessels can burst and bleed into the ...
Over time, this ongoing condition can weaken the walls of your blood vessels. Untreated high blood pressure is a major preventable cause of brain hemorrhages. Aneurysm. A weakening in one of your blood vessel walls can make it swell. It can burst and bleed into your brain, leading to a ...