The causes and consequences of particulate air pollution in urban India: a synthesis of the science. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 25, 629-684.Milind K. and Gurumurthy R., The Causes and Consequences of Particulate Air Pollution in Urban India: A Synthesis of the Science, ...
Health Impacts:Environmental deterioration, such as pollution of the air and water, can cause a number of health concerns, such as malignancies, heart problems, and respiratory disorders. Poor sanitation and contaminated water sources can also cause diseases like cholera and typhoid. Food Security:Deg...
Air is one of the precious natural resources which is essential for living beings. Pollution in the urban areas like Cairo, Delhi, Mexico and Dhaka far surpasses the acceptable limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Urban air pollution in the South Asian region is approximated to ...
Despite substantial declines since 2000, lower respiratory infections (LRIs), diarrhoeal diseases, and malaria remain among the leading causes of nonfatal and fatal disease burden for children under 5 years of age (under 5), primarily in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The spatial burden of each of...
Road vehicles are now the biggest source of air pollution in most urban areas, so traveling some other way through a town or city helps to keep the air clean. When you have to use your car, drive efficiently to save fuel and money, and cut pollution. It's particularly important to ...
Living in districts with air pollution from intense crop residue burning (CRB) is a leading risk factor for acute respiratory infection (ARI), especially among children less than five years, in northern India. Additionally, CRB also leads to an estimated
3.Inrecenttimes,professionalslikedoctors,engineers,softwareengineers, managementconsultants,financialexperts,mediapersons,migratedtocountriessuch asUSA,Canada,UK,Australia,NewZealandandGermany,etc.Theseprofessionalare highlyeducated,thehighestpaid. 4.DataonMigrationwasfirstrecordedinthefirstCensusofIndiaconductedin1881...
genetics allergies smoking air pollution bacterial and viral infections. types of respiratory system disorders respiratory system disorders affect millions of people worldwide. there are three main types of respiratory diseases: airway disease it affects the bronchial tubes which function by transporting ...
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies by directly or indirectly discharging chemicals, pollutants and wastes without adequate treatment.
In arboviral disease systems where the virus can be transmitted from male to female vectors and from one generation to the next, targeting the female (especially when she is gravid) can help alter the persistence of the virus in nature and its transmissi