The "gushes of wind" accompanied by lightning and thunder are commonly known as "thunderstorms". The main reason for the occurrence of a thunderstorm is the "upraising hot wind". The main facts that are required for the formation of a thunderstorm in the tropical areas are included "front l...
五、七选五Causes of sandstormsIn desert areas, sandstorms are most commonlycaused by either thunderstorm outflows, or bystrong pressure gradients(气压梯度) which causean increase in wind speed over a wide area. Insome cases, dust and sand may set a limit to ashallow depth by a low-lying tem...
Causes of sandstorms In desert areas, sandstorms are most commonly caused by either thunderstorm outflows (外流) or strong pressure gradients (气压梯度) which cause an increase in wind speed over a wide area. In some cases, dust and sand may set a limit to a shallow depth by a low-...
NCEP1°×1°analysisdataareusedtoanalyzethesynopticcausesoftheelevatedthunderstorminearly springof2012thatwasaccompaniedbyavarietyofweatherphenomenaandaflowconfigurationmodelof theelevatedthunderstormisestablished.Theresultsshowedthat :( 1 ) theelevatedthunderstormoccurs inthecirculationsituationofwarmtroughmovingeastward...
雷电形成的原因(Causes of lightning formation).doc,雷电形成的原因(Causes of lightning formation) 1/ each thunderstorm, lightning generated voltage can reach tens of thousands of volts, or even hundreds of thousands of volts. However, the earth carries
Causesoflightningformation(雷电形成的原因) 1/eachthunderstorm,lightninggeneratedvoltagecanreachtensofthousandsofvolts,orevenhundredsofthousandsofvolts.However,theearthcarriesachargeofuptofivehundredthousandCoulombabovetheentiresurfaceoftheearth Thechargecontainedisnegativecharge,solightningiseasytotouchthegroundsurface,...
Causes of sandstormsIn desert areas, sandstorms are most commonlycaused by either thunderstorm outflows(外流) orstrong pressure gradients(气压梯度) which cause anincrease in wind speed over a wide area. In somecases, dust and sand may set a limit to a shallowdepth by a low-lying temperature...
Causes of sandstormsIn desert areas, sandstorms are most commonly caused by either thunderstorm outflows (外流) or strong pressure gradients (气压梯度) which cause an increase in wind speed over a wide area. In some cases, dust and sand may set a limit to a shallow depth by a low-lying...
Taking the long view: A brief history of space telescopes 25 Oct 2024 IDA Ireland aims to create 75,000 jobs in the next five years 19 Feb 2025 Ireland set to be accepted into CERN as an associate member 19 Feb 2025 HP to acquire much of Humane’s assets, as AI Pin is dr...
General Circulation of the Atmosphere | Overview & Wind Cells 7:17 Types of Air Masses | Overview & Differences 9:01 Weather Fronts | Definition, Types & Effects 7:21 Tornadoes | Definition, Formation & Categorization 6:21 Thunderstorm | Definition, Description & Formation 6:19 Cyclone...