Pregnancy and childbirth.Pregnancy, and especially giving birth, can lead to hair loss. You're most likely to see hair loss about 3 months after giving birth. That's because yourestrogen levelsdrop after childbirth. Your hair may fall out in clumps. If you're losing hair while pregnant, as...
Depending on the cause, males and females can typically lose their hair in very different ways (2). As we saw, boys (and men) often show their first signs of hair loss at the hairline and temples.While women can also recede in the temples, their hair loss is more often diffuse. In ...
95% of females are experiencing hair loss due to hormonal changes such as frompregnancyandmenopause Female Hair Loss Help That You Will Receive On This Site Women with hair loss have more options available than you probably realize. This site is here to help inform you of all your options av...
more hair follicles move into the resting phase, and the remaining hairs become shorter, finer, and fewer. involutional alopecia is the second most common type of hair loss. traction alopecia traction alopecia results from damaged hair follicles due to constant tension or pulling over ...
(androgenetic alopecia) is the dominant type of hair loss, while both congenital and acquired factors can cause AGA. On the one hand, it can be congenital. This hereditary hair loss is more common in males. The incidence rate for males in China is about 21.3%, and for females it is ...
Hair Why Does PCOS Cause Hair Loss? It’s normal for females (and males) to produce androgens, which are a group of hormones important for general health. However, women who have PCOS produce excess androgens and may experience more hair growth on their face and bodies. Excess androgen pro...
Both males and females can have the disorder, and it has occasionally been observed in childhood. The hair tends to grows back within a year, unfortunately not always. Sometimes the loss can be cyclical, with periods of normal and abnormal growth during which hair loss may again be experienced...
Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease that results in hair loss on the scalp and any other parts of the body. People also know it as Patchy Hair Loss. It occurs in males and females of all ages but most often the onset can be seen in childhood. This common but very challenging and...
This article talks about the symptoms, causes and other related aspects to help females identify PCOS and take measures that can help them. Symptoms Of PCOS There are a number of symptoms that indicate that a woman has been affected by PCOS. Let us look at a few of them. ...
Females develop plaque psoriasis earlier in life than males. The first peak occurrence of plaque psoriasis is in people 16-22 years of age. The second peak is in people 57-60 years of age. Psoriasis can affect all races. Studies have shown that more people in western European and Scandinavi...