The Academy was intended to be the country's first engineering school—a role not fulfilled until the superintendent's involvement with building har- bor defenses was eliminated after the war of 1812. Reopened in 1813 with Sylvanus Thayer as su- perintendent and remodeled after the Ecole ...
Are the Monroe Doctrine and the War of 1812 connected? Was the Roosevelt Corollary a part of the Monroe Doctrine? Was the Monroe Doctrine an example of isolationist foreign policy? How did James Monroe strengthen United States with the Monroe Doctrine? Did William Seward violate the Monroe Doctri...
making the "conclusive case" that slavery was not the cause of the War Between the States. Over 200 sources used, all cataloged in a bibliography broken down by primary and secondary sources. Part I, The Irrefutable Argument, makes the “conclusive” case that the North did not go to war...