A41-year-old dairy farmer presented with a 1-weekhistory of headache, fever, myalgia and vomiting. On examination he was febrile (temperature 38.4掳C); a cardiorespiratory, neurological and abdominal examination were normal. Initial investigations revealed raised bilirubin 46 |imol/L (normal range ...
Laboratory investigations revealed a raised alkaline phosphatase level of 363 IU/L, a slightly raised total bilirubin level of 1.6 mg/dL (raised direct bilirubin 0.76 mg/dL, normal indirect bilirubin 0.8 mg/dL), and a low albumin level of 2.5 g/dL. Hemogram reports showed an extremely high ...
Her clinical examination was unremarkable; however, blood tests revealed raised inflammatory markers with a white blood cell count of 14.7 × 109/l and C-reactive protein of 128 mg/l.An unenhanced CT of her brain on the day of her initial assessment had shown no focal abnormalities, but a...
The creatinine concentration was raised (140 [15–31] μmol/ℓ). A rat dosed with 2 mmol/kg was euthanised 5 h after dosing (HES 8, salivation, weeping eyes, diarrhoea, and decreased activity). The activities of AST and ALT in this animal were also greatly elevated (7865 and 6584 ...
In combination with obstructive jaundice, suspicions should be raised for acute inflammation causing obstruction to the biliary tree. Cross sectional imaging is useful in determining the diagnosis. Antibiotics and conservative therapy are prudent first line management in the absence of perforation. Where ...
Apart from a raised 纬-glutamyl transferase (yGT) of 326 IU/l and slightly raised bilirubin of 20 IU/l, all other liver function tests were normal. An abdominal ultrasound showed gas in the biliary tree; the gall bladder could not be visualised properly and the common bile duct measured ...
An important question raised by our work is the relevance of DARC in human S. aureus infection. Many polymorphisms of DARC exist in the human population, due to the selective pressure by Plasmodium parasites (Langhi and Bordin, 2006). This gives rise to the Duffy blood group system, ...
Laboratory evaluation revealed an elevated C-reactive protein level (125 mg/l, upper limit of normal (ULN): 5.0 mg/l) and cholestatic liver abnormalities, with elevated gamma-glutamyltransferase (300 U/L, ULN <39), bilirubin (2.14 mg/dl, ULN: <0.7 mg/dl) and raised ALT (798 U/l, ...