Inflammation can causepain, stiffness, and visible swelling in your joints, particularly in the morning. It may be mild at first and gradually become more obvious. Like other symptoms of lupus, joint problems can come and go. Does lupus cause finger deformity? In about 5-10% of patients wit...
At the age 10 years, she complained about constant pain in her hands while writing. Since the age of 5.5 years she has been treated with indometacin, a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug, 30 mg/24 h in three doses, which gave a good response initially. After withdrawal of this drug, ...
Most types of bacterial pneumonia are not highly contagious. Even though it is possible to spread bacteria from one person to another, pneumonia typically occurs in people with risk factors or weakened immune defenses when bacteria that are normally present in the nose or throat invade the lung t...
Of course not because you are mainly posting just to be a pain in the ass. Probably because you are an extremely unhappy individual whose probably lacks many friends and, thus, gets his thrills out of anonymously posting to annoy people. I am an old man with lots...
A 50-year-old woman from Central Italy was admitted to the Hand Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital of Modena for chronic pain and severe functional limitation of the thumbs due to bilateral rhizarthrosis of the trapezio-metacarpal joint. She presented a congenital bilateral syndactyly of the...
Because about 7 days into the 14 days of treatment I started to have pain in my right arm from the top of the arm to the tip of my middle finger. I quit taking the proton pump inhibitor because I started researching on the round of medicine for the infection. Also found a book by ...
For six months, he received monthly steroid injections, while the dorsum of the patient’s hand had been increasingly swollen, with pain located around the second metacarpophalangeal joint. Gradually, an abscess developed proximal to the second metacarpophalangeal joint of his right hand (Figure ...
GCAT TACG genesG C A T Case Report Skeletal Deformities in Osterix-Cre;Tgfbr2f/f Mice May Cause Postnatal Death Kara Corps 1, Monica Stanwick 2, Juliann Rectenwald 1, Andrew Kruggel 2 and Sarah B. Peters 2,* 1 Department of Veterinary Bioscience, The Ohio State University College of ...