The noises around you were muffled briefly, replaced with a buzzing inside your head, almost as if your ears were screaming. In a way, they were. Noise levels louder than a shouting match can damage parts of our inner ears called hair cells. Hair cells act as the gatekeepers of our...
it is possible. Sulfates can dry your hair and your scalp. Dry hair can break, giving the illusion of hair loss, and scalp irritation might cause hair loss in some people. If your scalp becomes irritated, and your hair turns dry, try switching to shampoo...
For the rest of us, listening to your kids playing the piano, or kicking a ball around, is fulfilment. You go to work, to pay the bills to enable the good, fulfilling things in life to happen. Don’t get confused by capitalist rhetoric. They want the last drop of blood from you so...
Allana Nadal is a gorgeous woman with a fair skin tone complimenting her long face. Nadal has a pair of dark brown eyes. She has long brown hair, which adds more beauty to her look. Nadal stands at a height of 5 feet 6 inches tall. She weighs 65 kilograms. She has a well-maintaine...
Faízí was reluctant to call and wake him up, so he wrote the following poem and placed it on the sick friend's pillow: (poet unknown) Though my share be mere thistle of the rose-garden I will cherish it as mine eyes, since my beloved giveth me it. 'Tis not but one gardener who...
Cat hair loss. My cat has some blood above both er of her eyes and it looks like the fur fell out... (59356 views) Neuter at 8 weeks? We are trying to decide when to get our male kitten spayed. He is around 2 months... (8892 views) Facial lymph nodes on a dog. My puppy...