In the body of your essay, explore each cause and effect in depth. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the specific cause or effect you are discussing. Support your points with evidence, examples, and detailed explanations. Use smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintai...
Effect or BenefitⅠ ↓ Effect or BenefitⅡ ↓ Effect or BenefitⅢ ↓ Conclusion Solution or Suggestion ●AnCause-effectpaper Introduction of Problem or Phenomenon Thesis StatementⅠ ↓ CauseⅠ CauseⅡ CauseⅢ ↓ Thesis StatementⅡ Effect or BenefitⅠ Effect or BenefitⅡ Effect or BenefitⅢ ↓ Con...
bold opinion, statistic, or unusual fact to fulfill this aim. The introduction should also clearly explain your writing purpose in a well-wordedthesis statement. You should mind that good cause and effect thesis statement tells not only what essay presents but also how it does it. ...
Thethesis statementwill establish the focus for your paper. In a cause and effect essay, your thesis should let readers know if you’re writing about causes, effects, or both. Check out these examples: Thesis statements about obesity might look like one of these. If the focus of your paper...
1. Multiple causes Effect You start with a well-known outcome or situation and then study what caused such a result. Thesis statement: University graduates would rather look for jobs than start their own business. Cause 1 — Lack of training and skills ...
different kinds of fast food.Effects Topic Sentence:However, this change in diet can have some serious effects.Effect 1:One effect is on health.Example 1:Many individuals in the UAE are becoming obese.These people will be less productive and have conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
Effect Your car won't start. Sometimes, many causes contribute to a single effect or many effects may result from a single cause. (Your instructor will specify which cause/effect method to use.) The following are examples: Causes liked business in high school ...
Thefollowingareexamples:Whatisthecauseofairpollution?Whataretheeffectsofsmoking?Thecauseofairpollution:Exhaustgasfromcars Uncontrolledfactorygasses Airpollution Burningoflowqualitycoal Theeffectsofsmoking:Doharmtopeople’shealth SmokingOftencausefires Wastemoney Cause&Effect Cause Tellreaderswhysomethinghappened Effec...
How To Write A Cause And Effect EssayAs students, it is crucial to understand that you cannot avoid writing essays. As you navigate your way through school, your teachers would assign various examples, and it is up to you to work hard through them to boost your grades. One of such is ...
Ensure that you restate the thesis statement at the concluding paragraph. Quality Cause and Effect Essay Body Paragraphs for Your Paper After introducing the topic of the writing, develop the argument. They should form the body of the text. Do not write many points, but let your outline guide...