LE SYNDROME DU MUSCLE PYRAMIDAL : UNE CAUSE RARE DE SCIATIQUE NON DISCALEAtypical sciatic pain without apparent discogenic origin should raise the possibility of a non-discogenic etiology, especially tumoral but also infectious or inflammatory.We report the case of a young patient presenting with non...
Heissler, P.Rajhi, H.Morvan, G.Hmaied, E.Elsevier Masson SASJournal De RadiologieRajhi H, Morvan G, Hmaied E, Heissler P. Traitement percutane d'un pseudo-kyste gazeux epidural : cause rare de sciatique. J Ra- diol 2005;86:164-6....
This vascular pathology is a misunderstood embryogenesis anomaly. The treatment aims to avoid serious complications. This pathology must be known from plastic surgeon.doi:10.1016/j.anplas.2013.03.003Alliez, A.Gay, A.-M.Prost, C.Legre, R.Elsevier SASAnnales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique...
Kyste de Tarlov : cause inhabituelle de lombosciatiqueLombosciatiqueKyste de Tarlovdoi:10.1016/j.rehab.2014.03.764Sghir, M.Ouanes, W.Toulgui, E.Guedria, K.Jemni, S.Maaref, K.Zaoui, A.Khachnaoui, F.Elsevier Masson SASAnnals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine...