But cause-and-effect sentences don’t always fit this pattern. Sometimes, cause-and-effect relationships spread over several sentences. Students might have a hard time spotting these examples. By rereading the paragraph and taking notes, we can spot the cause and effect. Let’s practice again....
These are great and easy topics for your cause-effect paper. This article includes topic questions, videos, and links to help you find out how and what to write.
Effect 1.NeverdrinkCoke2.Goodthingshappentome Sample1 MainIdeaCausesEffects NeverdrinkCoke1)experiment1--measuredthepH2)experiment2--ashark’stooth Sample2 MainIdeaCauses 1)Effects Musicbringsgoodthings.2)3)depressiondisappearsMakemefeelaliveRemindsmeofhome TypesofCausesandEffects Causesandtheireffect...
They can also show the relationship between two ideas expressed in consecutive sentences. Writers often use transition words at the beginning of a new sentence or clause and follow them with a comma. Here are some examples of common transition words: The concert ended. After that, we drove ...
Casual transition words show the relationship between sentences and paragraphs, where the proceeding point emerges as a cause or effect of the previous. Some words in this category are: Consequently, as a result, due to the fact that Therefore, thus, otherwise ...
Plus, for some groups and individual projects, writing fundraising letters is a cost-effective way to raise support in a relatively short amount of time. Take the time to perfect your message, explaining in just a few sentences why you’re raising money and what you’ll do with the ...
Plus, for some groups and individual projects, writing fundraising letters is a cost-effective way to raise support in a relatively short amount of time. Take the time to perfect your message, explaining in just a few sentences why you’re raising money and what you’ll do with the ...