cause and effect diagram.A definition of the term "cause and effect diagram" is presented. It refers to a diagram that aids the generation and sorting of the potential causes of variation in an activity or process.EBSCO_bspBloomsbury Business Library Business & Management Dictionary...
摘要:因果图实际上指的是一种发现问题根本原因的分析方法,因果图有些类似树状图,都是分析思考、理清思路、找出问题点的工具,对问题要刨根问底,因果图就是帮助全面系统了解问题、细化问题的利器。 本文内容基于山海鲸可视化软件操作,您可先免费下载山海鲸可视化后再阅读本文。
To clarify the cause and effect diagram definition further, it may help to understand that this tool is also known as afishbone diagram. By setting your problem on one side – and radiating out to the various elements that may be causing it on the other – you end up with a diagram lo...
103、因果图(Cause and effect diagram) 104、整理问题型鱼骨图(Sort out problem fishbone diagram) 105、原因型鱼骨图(Fishbone diagram of cause type) 106、对策型鱼骨图(Tactical fishbone diagram) 107、瀑布图(Waterfall Plot) 108、桥图(Bridge map) ...
A Cause and Effect Diagram is a visual tool used to explore and identify the potential causes of a particular problem or quality issue within a process. Created by Japanese quality control expert Kaoru Ishikawa in the 1960s, this diagram is aptly named the “Ishikawa Diagram” in his honor....
因果图(Cause and Effect Diagram),又称鱼骨图(Fishbone Diagram),是由日本质量控制兼统计专家石川馨(Kaoru Ishikawa)教授发明的一种图解法,用以辨识和处置事故或问题的原因。 因果图以图表的形式指出造成某种结果的各级原因之间的等级关系。 因果图(鱼骨图)往往还被称为石川图(Ishikawa Diagram)。
4. 合并所有原因 5. 审阅和更定图表确定完整性 6. 定义那些有显著影响的因素 7. 完成图表,注明其他信息如产品、版本、时间 典型范例:参考文献:Chiba, Rikio, Otaki and Yazu(1993)Ishihara, Katsukichi, Hirose, Hosotani and Yoshida(1980)其他参考:亲和图,头脑风暴 ...
因果圖 Cause-and-Effect Diagram 因果圖是為了找出製程中某個問題的原因,發動大家著意觀察,仔細分析,將員工的意見反映在一張圖表上。 它通過了帶箭頭的指示線,將問題與原因之間的關係表示出來。 它的優點是集思廣益,條理分明。
fishbone ( cause and讲义 effect) diagram :鱼刺图(因果)fishbone(causeandeffect)diagram:鱼 精品jin 感谢聆听!
Define Cause-effect diagram. Cause-effect diagram synonyms, Cause-effect diagram pronunciation, Cause-effect diagram translation, English dictionary definition of Cause-effect diagram. n trademark a business management strategy that uses statistical meth