effectCauseeffecteffectConnectives:Asaresult,Next,Inaddition,Finally Example1:1]Bag1]Bag-packingtravelingisenjoyingahigherandhigherpopularityamongyoungpeopleinchina.2]Asaresult,moreandmoreyoungpeoplecomprehendthebeautyandmagicofnatureandfurtherly,fallinlovewithit.2]Afterexperiencingtheamazingmagnificenceofhighmountain...
Stating Cause and Effect CAUSE — EFFECT Consequently(adverb) andas a result(prepositional phrase) areconnectivesthat transition the reader from the idea expressed in one clause to the idea expressed in the next clause. These connectives are followed by a clause expressing theeffectof situation stated...
In order to attain this correspondence connectives representing ‘sufficiency’ must be included. When this is done a logical account of efficiency is possible. This defines efficiency as the arbiter between two or more sufficient but unnecessary conditions of a desired effect.关键词:...
In order to attain this correspondence connectives representing 'sufficiency' must be included. When this is done a logical account of efficiency is possible. This defines efficiency as the arbiter between two or more sufficient but unnecessary conditions of a desired effect.Frank...
In order to attain this correspondence connectives representing 'sufficiency' must be included. When this is done a logical account of efficiency is possible. This defines efficiency as the arbiter between two or more sufficient but unnecessary conditions of a desired effect.关键词:...
Study of cause-effect discourse connectives can help in automated discourse processing and automatic identification of argument units. Besides conjunctions and other functional words and expressions, there are different multi-word expressions containing content-words (e.g. is etogo sleduet 'it follows ...
This paper experimentally investigates the role of veridicality and the cause-effect relation in the derivation of (a) conditional perfection and (b) logical entailment in Russian esli-conditionals and raz-conditionals. It provides further evidence that conditional perfection is a structurally defined ...