causes or effects of a certain action, we manage to understand and explain things that happen in our daily lives. Similarly, there is also an important way of organizing a paragraph through the application of the cause-and-effect pattern. A cause is defined as something that makes an action...
V. Clauses of result/effect 1. Conjunctions so that so so ……… that such ……. that tak?e tak?e, tak tak …….., ?e takov? ……. ?e Examples: I didn?t pass the examination at the first attempt, so (that) I had to resit it. The problem was so complicated that none of...
b. in terms of cause-effect. c. concretely. d. hypothetically. Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory Jean Piaget created four stages of cognitive development: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. The stages progre...