Cause and effect relationships aren't always shown through just a single sentence. These relationships can be as simple as a slip and fall or as complex as interwoven familial relationships. The table below shows some examples of concepts and broader ideas that are cause and effect relationships....
Effect choose to major in accounting Cause reduce work hours Effects less income employer is irritated more time to study more time for family and friends However, most situations are more complicated. The following is an example of a chain reaction: ...
Chain structure:Present each cause followed directly by its corresponding effect, showing a clear link between the two. Point-by-point structure:Alternate between causes and effects, addressing one cause and its related effect before moving to the next cause and effect pair. Each paragraph should h...
Apply this pattern when you need to explain “domino effect” of how events lead to one another. This structure requires you to devote each body paragraph to an event caused by some other event and leading to one more event. Causes should build a chain, uniting the first and the last eve...
and so on. Each new cause and its effect are links in a chain. Depending on the complexity of the ideas in each link, you can devote an entire paragraph to one link, or you may include several links in one paragraph, or you may describe the entire chain in one paragraph. Chain organ...
Students then can transfer cause-and-effect thinking skills to the writing process. When they write papers, Beachy says, "I expect my students to reference their ideas through examples and quotes from the text." (For more information, see Beachy's article "Enhancing Writing Through Cooperative ...
Explainthecausesandeffectsofthe "Stockholmsyndrome." • Youcanorganizeacause/effectessayin twomainways: • "block"organization • "chain"organization. blockorganization • Inblockorganization,youfirstdiscussall thecausesasablock(inone,two,three, ...
In persuasive writing, establishing a clear cause-effect chain can significantly bolster the argument's strength. By demonstrating a direct link between a proposed action or policy (cause) and its anticipated outcomes (effects), writers can make their points more convincing. This is particularly eff...
常见论证类型有四种,因果论证Cause-and-Effect,类比与对比 Comparison-and-Contrast,分类讨论Classification和让步论证Concession。每篇文章都会使用至少一种论证技巧将文章局部串联成坚不可摧的逻辑整体。 2.2.1 Cause-and-Effect 因果论证 我们首先来了解一下因果论证,虽然原因和结果经常组合出现,但是我们还是要分清楚哪些...