indicating causation, as some forms of verbs. noun a word, esp. a verb, or a word element that expresses causation, such as "made" in "She made me fix the machine". causative词组 causative agent病原体;致病物 causative同义词 n. 使役动词 ...
Causative verbs express an action which is caused to happen. In other words, when I have something done for me I cause it to happen. In other words, I do not actually do anything, but ask someone else to do it for me. This is the sense of causative verbs. Intermediate to advanced l...
1.(Grammar)grammarrelating to a form or class of verbs, such aspersuade,that express causation 2.(and foll by:of) producing an effect n (Grammar) the causative form or class of verbs ˈcausativelyadv ˈcausativenessn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
致使动词,causative verbs 1)causative verbs致使动词 1.Conventional linguists have confined their studies on causation to the semantic and syntactic features of causative verbs, not paying enough attention to the relations between the conceptualization of causation and causative expressions.致使动词是表达致使...
As a result, some causative verbs seem to flout the principles I've been illustrating. Il risultato è che alcuni di questi verbi sembrano contravvenire ai principi che ho illustrato. Literature Morality and causative verbs tap the same mental model of human action. Morale e verbi causa...
2) causative verbs 致使动词 1. Conventional linguists have confined their studies on causation to the semantic and syntactic features of causative verbs, not paying enough attention to the relations between the conceptualization of causation and causative expressions. 致使动词是表达致使概念的最直接和...
As the construction provides the argument roles by mapping semantics (causer, causee, result) onto syntax (subject, object, oblique), stronger mapping links increasingly facilitated the use of verbs that are semantically and syntactically atypical for the expression of causation. ...
verbs.Its nature is dependent on its syntactic position in a sentence.It links two complex events in its deep semantic structure.As a lexical process,causativization may be applied to such categories as noun,adjective and intransitive verb.Causativized verb is not equivalent to light verb v,...
日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(The Japanese verb passive, causative form, order form, will form) Passive verbs, causative form, order form, will form The form of a verb passive form: 1. basic form A class of verbs, actually live in terms Two types of verbs to RA in terms Three...