Their motor innervation depends on the recurrent laryngeal nerve (a branch of the tenth cranial nerve), which follows a long trajectory comprising intracranial, cervical, and mediastinal segments. Vocal cord paralysis usually manifests as dysphonia, the main symptom calling for CT study, the first-...
Las manifestaciones clínicas del síndrome de Klinefelter son variadas y a veces, sutiles23 Recién Nacido/Infancia: Criptorquidia bilateral, pene pequeño, escroto bífido (poco frecuente), fisura paladar, cardiopatía congénita. Etapa escolar: Dislexia, problemas de lenguaje, dificultades de apre...
Masas mediastinales en nios con cáncer. Causas y manifestaciones clínicasSUMMARY Background. Malignant mediastinum pediatric tumors fluctuated among 40 to 72%. Patients and methods. Retrospective and descriptive study to identify mediastinal cancer mass and its complications of 33 pediatrics patients ...
Eccema de manos en nios. Manifestaciones clínicas y causas subyacentesIntroduction: Henna tattoos are a very common practice in the adolescent population. Henna is very often admixed with para-phenylenediamine (PPDA) to improve the appearance of the tattoo. PPDA is a potent allergen, and is...