Severe cases can cause a narrowing of the spinal canal and lead to cauda equina syndrome (see Multimedia File 3). Tumors (Neoplasms) Cauda equina syndrome can be caused by isolated tumors (primary neoplasms) or from tumors that have spread to the spine from other parts of the body (metastat...
BACKGROUND CONTEXT Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is defined as the severe compression of the cauda equina resulting in loss of lower sacral nerve root function. There are no studies to date that demonstrate whether physical examination can accurately diagnose CES, therefore providers feel obligated to...
Definition The cauda equina is the collection of lumbosacral nerve roots below the tip of spinal cord. The signs and symptoms of compression of the cauda equina are referred to as the cauda equina syndrome . These include low back pain, sciatica (usually bilateral), saddle sensory disturbances,...
A 12-year-old boy was brought to an urgent care center for fever, back pain, and abnormal gait. In addition to back pain, the patient was found to be persistently febrile but also had decreased perianal sensation and bowel incontinence. He was therefore
Cauda Equina Syndrome a. Physical Exam "Red Flags" b. Pathogenesis c. MRI Evaluation i. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Examples d. Treatment (Options and Timing) 3. Common Lumbar Spine Emergencies a. Epidural Abscess b. Discitis/Osteomyelitis c. Epidural Hematoma d. Septic Facet Joint e. Lumbar ...
Primary genitourinary and gynecologic tumor extension into the cauda equina region has been described. Trauma in CES Mechanical disruption of the spine from subluxation, sponylolisthesis, and/or compression of the neural elements from hematoma, etc., can cause CES. ...
Our patient demonstrated non-acute, progressive weakness, and late-onset bladder and bowel dysfunction. This report demonstrates that this rare lesion should be included in the differential diagnosis of cauda equina lesions.doi:10.1038/s41394-021-00383-9Liam P. Hughes...
Cauda equina syndromeOrthopedic surgerySpine surgeryCauda equina syndrome is a potentially devastating spinal condition. The diagnosis of cauda equina syndrome lacks sensitivity and specificity, sometimes occurring after irreparable neurological damage has happened. Timely diagnosis and treatment is imperative ...
CES is not a specific disease but rather a constellation of clinical signs referable to disease of the cauda equina. The management of CES includes treatment of the primary cause when possible, supportive care, and in some cases empirical therapy. The specific treatment is determined by the ...
Conclusion: Cauda equina syndrome is a rare complication of spinal anesthesia. It can cause significant pain and impairment.doi:10.1016/S0003-9993(03)00725-1Robert MehrbergBruce E. PorterElsevier Inc.Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation...