Cauda equina syndromeCESDetectionGuidelineInvestigationThe cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a rare but critical disorder, which can result in devastating motor weakness and sensory deficit, alongside often irreversible bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction. In addition to the clinical burden of disease, ...
Cauda equinaAnatomySpasticityCerebral palsySpasticity is the result of an exaggeration of the monosynaptic muscle stretch reflex due to lesions affecting the central nervous system, in particular an upper motor neuron lesion. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a surgical technique developed to treat ...
In cauda equina owing to disc prolapse chemical as well as mechanical components both may be responsible for neurological compromise. In neglected sacral fractures role of any other factor than mechanical compression is not clear. Therefore, contemplating results of timing of cauda equina syndrome due...