For about 10 000 years, farmers have been managing cattle, sheep, and goats in a sustainable way, leading to animals that are well adapted to the local conditions. About 200 years ago, the situation started to change dramatically, with the rise of the concept of breed. All animals from ...
(1981) The seasonal incidence of coccidia infections in trade cattle, sheep and goats in Nigeria. Veterinary Quarterly 3: pp. 85-89Majaro, O.M and Dipeolu, O.O (1981). Seasonal incidence of coccidia infection in trade cattle, sheep and goats in Nigeria Veterinary Quarterly, 3(2): 85-...
For about 10 000 years, farmers have been managing cattle, sheep, and goats in a sustainable way, leading to animals that are well adapted to the local conditions. About 200 years ago, the situation started to change dramatically, with the rise of the concept of breed. All animals from th...
cattle, sheep, and goats. Using universal primers we have amplified 447 or 445 bp fragments from male or female genomic DNA corresponding to the ZFY or ZFX genes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the fragments yielded specific banding patterns between the two sexes...
The behaviour of sheep, goats and cattle on a shrub and tree savannah in the sub-humid zone of West Africa was studied during the dry (February to May), rainy (June to September) and cool season (October to January). Two mature females per animal species were followed by two observers ...
Cloven-hoofedanimals,suchascattle,sheepandgoatshavefootrotwhenthesoft tissueoftheirtoeshasinfection.Duringrainyseasons,thekraalswhereanimals sleepareoftenwetandmuddy.Thisisanidealplaceforthefootrotbacteriatogrow. Ifanimalsspendalotoftimewiththeirhoovescoveredinmud,theycaneasilyget thedisease. Whatbacteriaareinvo...
Moisture and temperature requirements in faeces for the development of free-living stages of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep, cattle and deer 1995, Journal of Helminthology Gastrointestinal helminths and lungworms of French dairy goats: Prevalence and geographical distribution in Poitou-Charentes 1992,...
In this survey the ticks distribution on the body surface of infested ruminants the highest infestation was found in the udder and tail (21 %) in cattle, ear (42.5 %) and tail (30 %) in sheep and ear (63 %) and tail (17 %) in goats. The lowest number of ticks in body surface...
Splenic amyloidosis was found in cattle and it was of the nodular ('sago' spleen) form. Hemosiderosis of the spleen was noted in cattle, sheep and goats. Hydatid cysts were observed in the spleen of sheep and goats. Specific conditions involving the bovine lymph nodes included tuberculosis, ...
SummaryThe average wet mass of the brain plus meninges (and the cerebellum minus meninges) of sheep, goat and ox is 123 (16), 120 (17) and 382 (40) grams respectively. With exception of those of the goat, these figures prove statistically not to belong to the same population as those...