cattle driveN(US) →recogidafdeganado cattle egretN→garcillafbueyera cattle gridN(Brit) →rejillafderetención(de ganado) cattle marketN→mercadomganaderoordeganado; (also fig) →feriafdeganado cattle prodN→picanaf cattle raisingN→ganaderíaf ...
Multi-focal journals such as Journal of Dairy Science, Journal of Animal Science and Livestock Science have the highest numbers of publications and citations in this field. This analysis can help us identify major changes in future research pathways and identify new groups that working on it. It...
Home Farmers not interested in rebuilding beef cattle herds cattlenumberslarge.jpgcattlenumberslarge.jpg Recent Posts Half Pints Rabbitry breeds unique Netherland Dwarfs Snow rollers and a little dog At all costs Feeling more than ready for a wonderful seed catalog season Planning spring grazing...
A total number of 1563 ticks were isolated from examined cattle and their genus and numbers including: Ixodes ricinus 51% (111 male and 691 female) and Boophilus annulatus 49% (83 male and 678 female), respectively. Conclusions Results of the current investigation indicate the presence of two...
The effects of increasing fetal numbers and their distribution between the left and right uterine horns on calf survival, calf BW at birth and weaning, gestation length, dystocia, and calf sex ratio were evaluated for single (n = 1,587), twin (n = 2,440), and triplet calves (n = 147...
To meet increasing customer demands, Liu Chunxi and other experts are engaged in new research, hoping to increase fetal numbers such as twins. However, both Lyu and Liu Chunxi have several worries, such as China's expanding beef imports and food safety scandals in the domestic market. ...
See what NCBA is doing in Washington D.C. for cattle producers. ncba policy work INDUSTRY sTATISTICS Discover facts and numbers about U.S. ranchers, farmers and producers. STATISTICSNational Cattlemen The official publication of NCBA provides timely news articles about the issues and events affectin...
See what NCBA is doing in Washington D.C. for cattle producers. ncba policy work INDUSTRY sTATISTICS Discover facts and numbers about U.S. ranchers, farmers and producers. STATISTICSNational Cattlemen The official publication of NCBA provides timely news articles about the issues and events affectin...
(Additional file1: Table S1). The large and tissue-diverse dataset analyzed allowed us to systematically compare the transcriptome of humans and a livestock species to gauge the conservation of gene expression in two outbred mammalian populations. We compare mean gene expression, inter-individual ...
Although Welsh black cattle population figures are difficult to estimate, there is evidence that their numbers continue to dwindle, even though breeders and veterinary surgeons have tried in increase their numbers though reproduction and disease prevention. Animals Similar to Welsh Black Cattle ...