英译汉真题详解+重难点点拨+汉译英备考规划 到课奖励:24最新真题参考译文完整版 三笔、二笔都会讲到,明年考试的宝子也要来听哦! 扫码提前占座👇👇👇 领取24CATTI真题+综合部分答案 +实务译文完整版 宝子们好~米姐前两天分别发布了2024 年10月CATTI考试的三口&二口&一口真题整理回忆,戳下方蓝字回顾: 2024...
The client company generally gives the advertising agency an agreed budget; a statement of the objectives of the advertising campaign, known as a brief; and an overall advertising strategy concerning the message to be communicated to the tall get customers. The agency creates advertisements (the wor...
CATTI一级笔译全部真题和部分参考答案 英译汉真题 Return to print allays bookseller fears of digital apocalypseFive years ago, the book world was seized by collective panic over the uncertain future of print. As rea… Joy雒金凤 2021年6月三笔CATTI实务英译汉真题 2021年6月份的三笔真题主要讲的是情...
2022年6月CATTI 三笔实务真题(真题 译文)上传人:无*** IP属地:河南 上传时间:2024-09-05 格式:DOCX 页数:12 大小:1.33MB 积分:9.6 举报 版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩7页未读, 继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领文档简介...
CATTI英语三级笔译实务试题 20××.05 Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. All Luciano Faggiano wanted when he purchased the seemingly unremarkable building at 56 Via Ascanio Grandi, was to open a restaurant. The only problem was the toilet...
2009.11CATTI三笔实务真题(附参考译文) Section1English-ChineseTranslation PlansarewellunderwayforayearofcelebrationstomarktheupcomingbicentennialofoneofPolandsfavoritenativesons-Frédéric,Chopin. TheprestigiousInternationalChopinCompetitionforpianistswillmarkits16theditioninOctober2010.Heldeveryfiveyears,thecompetitiondraws...
历年真题华研外语catti 三级笔译实务综合能力模拟试卷词汇语法阅读理解完形填空三笔教材口译英语翻译资格考试 活动价¥60.8原价¥60.8销量0 笔小编推荐:华研外语 catti三级笔译 英语实务历年真题综合能力模拟试卷词汇语法阅读理解完形填空 翻译资格考试三笔官方教材书口译...