Can my kitten die? No, your kitten cannot die. It will ask to go back to the den when it has 0 health. You can take them out the day after, but you should heal them using herbs or by visiting a doctor. Do the cats have genders?
Red Roses are ultra rare items that can be given to a marriageable cat with a five star friendship to begin dating. Coco will show it to the player on Autumn 5, Year 1. Colonies will not accept this as a gift to raise reputation. Red Roses have red petal
页面贡献者 : CattailsWIKI 进入WIKI 创建(或迁移至BWIKI)时间:2023/01/09 创建人(或迁移申请人):狗头人程序员 页面数 文章数 编辑次数 活跃用户 分类: 游戏WIKI游戏中心 | 帐号安全 | 找回密码 | 家长监控 | 用户协议 抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏... 不足: 1.美术表现太粗糙,npc的头像可以用惨绝人寰来形容,选择配偶简直是矮子里面拔高个,(虽然星露谷一开始也经历过这种时期)。饰品的像素图也很丑,带不如不带。虽然想说希望尽早花经费请靠谱画师来重置,但是看这游戏都三年了大概也就这样了吧,就冲这...
Leo is a black tabby cat with silver eyes. They are The Mountain Domain's leader. Leo is a cool-headed leader who is dedicated to strengthening their domain. They are keen in strategic battle and suspicious of outsiders. Leo’s den is in the western corn
211 Sign in to edit Cattails “It’s... it’s happening!” -Player'smate, when kittens arrive KittensareNPCswho appear inCattails. The player can only have one litter of kittens per save file, even after divorce. If theplayer catismarriedand has a dennursery room, theirmatewill eventually...
Recipes consuming item 3 Sapphire + 6 Amethyst --> 1 Magnet Upgrade II In gemstone rocks in select caves, generally around floor 40 in the mines.
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