Mother cats groom their kittens by licking them, and those same kittens may carry such behavior into adulthood, grooming other adult cats. This is known as “social grooming” or allogrooming. Grooming is a social activity cats may participate in to communicate and strengthen social bonds, so i...
that would be fatal for other beings. Also lending credence to this myth is that falling cats often land on their feet because of an inbuilt automatic twisting reaction and are able to twist their bodies around to land feet first, though they can still be injured or killed by a high fall...
able to see as well as adult cats until about ten weeks after birth. Kittens develop very quickly from about two weeks of age until their seventh week. Their coordination and strength improve, they play-fight with their litter-mates, and begin to explore the world outside the nest.More ....
It is also possible that cats travelling with their owners in recent years from endemic areas like Italy, to popular and touristic spots could have imported this lungworm, or that movements of paratenic hosts (migratory birds, rodents moved with international trade of goods in ships, etc.) ...
as if toward some destination I cannot see. Even the littlest day-old kittens with their ears still buttoned down and their eyes still squeezed shut try to stumble through the tall grass after mothers and older siblings. I have to stop walking or I’ll step on someone by accident, so I...
Kittens are a bundle of delight, but like babies, they learn about their new environment by nibbling on things. Learning how to use the litter box is an important part of early feline development, and we have to train them to use it frequently. This should not be hard with the right en...
Teach kittens to play with humans with interactive toys instead of hands/feet. Use toys containing feather and/or fur in play. Make play a daily habit; early morning and before dinner or bedtime, especially when your cat has thezoomies. ...
Do cats like to play tag with their owners? “If you have a cat who tends to follow you around the house — walking, stalking or chasing — then you've got a cat who is fairly attached to you socially and wants to be near you because of that social attachment.” Dr. Crowell-Davis...
When I was little I thought that if I slept in the bed with my male cat, Rusty, I would get pregnant, and that I would have kittens. I thought my mom would be really mad at me. My mom would watch a lot of soaps and they always said so-and-so was "sleeping" with so-and-so...
We Love Cats and Kittens is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.Learn more. Cats are territorial animals which means they fight to defend their land or conquer other areas. They mark their territory with their scentpheromo...