Movie Info Synopsis "Cats & Dogs" uncovers the truth about the high-tech, secret war being waged in neighborhoods everywhere that humans aren't even aware of: an eternal struggle between the two great armies of Cats and Dogs. The story follows a Cat plan to destroy a new vaccine that,...
Comedic action-adventure that mixes live action with cutting-edge CGI and animatronic effects. Cats & Dogsuncovers the truth about the high-tech, secret war being waged in neighborhoods everywhere that humans aren't even aware of: an eternal struggle between the two great armies of Cats and Do...
CITIZEN CANINE: DOGS IN THE MOVIES CITY PERSONIFIED CJ Constantinou CJ Dunning Claes Bang Clair Catherine Clair Gleave Claire Goose Claire Leona Apps Claire Rushbrook CLAPBOARD JUNGLE: SURVIVING THE INDEPENDENT FILM B Clara McGregor Clara Paget Clare Almond Clare-Louise English ...