Hi Dominic, Many Many thanks for the flat cats, having bought from you before I knew they were excellent value and thanks for putting the narrow fixings on that go all the way around the window just that added protection is great as my female Sox loves nothing more that hanging on the s...
You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk). We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact ...
Jewish students are finally getting the protection they deserve.” — David May, Research Manager and Senior Research Analyst “President Trump’s executive order is common sense policy. Those living on visas in America, taking advantage of its great education system while praising terrorists ...
Another common add-on insurance option is “sand and ash protection”. This protects your car from any damage caused by sand or volcanic ash. This is a less common form of damage but sandstorms do happen in Iceland, especially on the South Coast. Sand or ash in a storm can cause scratch...
Because they are one of the cheapest forms of flea control, flea collars are often used for outdoor-only cats to provide some protection against parasites. Some owners prefer them because they’re easy to put on and not as messy as spot-on flea preventatives. ...
In addition to rapid and accurate filing,CATScan support your incorporation process with a variety of services, including registered agent, to help you incorporate in Nevada with a complete, turnkey package. For other essential business services, such as officer nominee status, asset protection plann...
Creating extra protection: An awning that covers the opening, made from roll plastic or heavy plastic garbage bags, provides more insulation, helps keep the rain and wind from entering the shelter, and makes the cats feel safer. Preventing dampness: Raising the rear of the shelter slightly highe...
The news programs last week were telling about the painting of Mona Lisa by Da Vince being moved to a new location in the Louvre. The new location would make it possible for more people to see her and would also offer more protection from deterioration. We were fortunate to get to see ...
Monitor Weather Conditions. Keep an eye on weather forecasts and plan accordingly to ensure your dog stays safe and comfortable in changing weather conditions. Provide shelter and protection from extreme temperatures, rain, and storms. Some fun activities like swimming, fishing and hiking are perfect...
In the case of heartworm prevention, protection will last for four weeks. Are there any risk factors for this medication? Ivermectin should NOT BE USED in dogs that: are younger than six weeks of age do not have a current negative heartworm test Some breeds of dog (e.g., collies, sheep...