a child from time to time seemed to mind even less. Law wasn't too sure how the whole thing started but it was almost like a reflex action when he decided to mimic Kid's ministration on the kitten, which during that time happened to be scratching the top of the kitten's head. He...
Intelligence is defined by human beings and is judged against human abilities. Children learn to look where someone is pointing. With cats, if you point at an object, your cat looks at your finger, not at where your finger is pointing. To attract a cat's attention to an object, you hav...
a Division VI team, hosted William Floyd, a Division 1 team, to open their season and hit a brick wall. Having lost key players to graduation and with a returning starter sidelined with an injury, Shoreham-Wading River struggled with Floyd’s pressing defense and fast break ability, lost th...
Sunbeam felt a rush of heat to her pelt. She should have left already. She must look like she was hanging around Blazefire like a lost kit. Dipping her head politely, she hurried to the entrance and, narrowing her eyes against the rain, nosed her way out. Lightleap was in the clearing...
‘Bloody hell, what on earth is that?’ Rocky said as he looked in horror at Gordon who had done his projectile vomit over the sofa, myself, the coffee table and the wall. I was only surprised that his head didn’t spin round 360 degrees when he did it....
Instead, I have nothing much to say at all. The only sound I can stand to make is a long silent scream which echoes through my head —the overlapping sounds of all the impassioned things I would say, if only there was someone in power whocared. ...
“No, Leopardkit,” he mewed, pressing his muzzle to her head. “Of course you didn’t kill Brightsky.” He pulled away and looked at her. “Your mother was sick . . .” “Because of me?” “No, little one. It was . . . just a sickness. Brambleberry couldn’t help her. Yo...
Youtube recommended Charlene’s I’ve never been to me so I’ve had it stuck in my head for like a week. It was bizarre looking at the comments and there were all these women saying thank you so much for making me feel better about my boring marriage. I’d listened to it ironically...
"Cats" has been running too long for anyone attending not to know that its performers break the fourth wall. This lady should have considered her selection of seat. Short of that...well, come on, really...It's not as if he rubbed against her legs. (2/3/97) ...
“Who?” Whistlepaw was still pressing her paws against Frostpaw’s wound. “Who did this to you?” “I don’t know.” “Well, there’s no cat around now.” Whistlepaw sat back on her haunches. Frostpaw began to push herself to her paws. ...