The breeders featured below do from time-to-time offer their Ragdoll Cats for Sale. If you are thinking about adopting a Ragdoll cat or if you would prefer to buy a kitten, do make contact with one of the cat breeders featured here. Whilst we are not in a position to recommend a spec...
Are you looking for where to get Siamese Cats For Sale Near Me or SiameseKittens For Sale Near Me.We are Michelle and Bill Harrison and we have been breeding and selling kittens together for over 40 years.
We breed Neva masquerade Siberian cats for their distinctive traits like being hypoallergenic, having dog-like gentle personalities, and of course beautiful blue eyes. We are cat enthusiasts living in LaSalle Ontario. Our cattery is registered with CCA C
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ragdolls, ragdoll, essex, ontario, cats, kittens, southwestern ontario, windsor, toronto, michigan, ragdoll kittens,ragdoll breeders, quality ragdoll cats, quality ragdoll kittens
We now use it for our cat who eats only canned Wellness for his urinary blockages, and we humans take it in capsule form. Given enough time and enough of a dose (sometimes we double the tiny amount that is recommended)... it works! By Nansee Ontario, Canada Strongly recommend ...
SRmainecoons- Maine Coon Cattery, Healthy Maine Coons Cats and Kittens, Toronto, Ontario. National, Regional Champion Lines. I specialize in brown tabbies, red tabbies and more
LaCat Dolls! Registered Ragdoll Kittens for sale to approved homes. We are a small cattery, located in the beautiful historic city of Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
O CANADA Ragdolls is located just off of Highway 401 in Kitchener, Ontario (approximately 45 mins from the outskirts of Toronto). Our cattery is a comfortable driving distance from Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Burlington, Oakville. St. Catherines, Niagara Falls, Whitby, Oshawa, Oakville, Pickering, ...
George Westerholm snd the Wild, Wildcats are a rockabilly band located in the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.