根据路径打开对应的文件,在319行,将内容从 bpy.context.window_manager.addon_support = {'OFFICIAL', 'COMMUNITY', 'TESTING'} 改成 bpy.context.window_manager.addon_support = {'OFFICIAL', 'COMMUNITY'}
Install the addon in blender like so: This shows Blender 2.79. In Blender 2.80+ go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons. Also you don't need to save the user settings there. Check your 3d view and there should be a new menu item calledCATS...w00t Since...
Cats is now fully compatible with Blender 2.90 and 2.91 Added "Show mmd_tools tabs" option to Settings This allows you show and hide the "MMD" and "Misc" tabs added by the mmd_tools plugin Added button to "Start/Stop Pose Mode" which starts/stops pose mode without resetting the current...
'ShotariyaButton.URL': 'https://vrcat.club/threads/material-combiner-blender-addon-1-1-3.2255/', 'ShotariyaButton.success': 'Material Combiner link opened', # Tools Bonemerge 'BoneMergeButton.label': 'Merge Bones', 'BoneMergeButton.desc': 'Merges the given percentage of bones togethe...
Install the addon in blender like so: This shows Blender 2.79. In Blender 2.80+ go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons. Also you don't need to save the user settings there. Check your 3d view and there should be a new menu item calledCATS...w00t Since...
Item textures, logos, and Blender renders by cy4n Development by Purplicious_Cow and Tschipp Animation, CraftStudio API by ZeAmateis and Timmypote Ferret Model Wulfyk Special thanks to modochu for his open source hamster mod! Localizations Many thanks to all who contributed so that people all...
爱给网提供海量的英国街景照片库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的巴特西犬& 猫之家入口(Battersea Dogs & Cats Home entrance), 本站编号49474330, 该英国街景照片库 (cc协议)素材大小为431k, 分辨率为1600 x 1200, 许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名-相同方式共享2.0, 作者为MJ, 更多...
Oso Dreamer’《创世纪》中的猫科动物8 雄性Addon(OsoDreamer’s FelineFolk for Genesis 8 Male Addon) 生物角色 461款 2269C4D FBX STL OBJ SU Blender抽象艺术装置雕塑异形摆件三维3D模型 Timayou 2个月前 傩文化面具-鬼怪 Unity游戏工坊 1个月前 国王之旅五中的猫头鹰塞德里克 四大天王 天兵天...
Install the addon in blender like so: This shows Blender 2.79. In Blender 2.80+ go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons. Also you don't need to save the user settings there. Check your 3d view and there should be a new menu item called CATS ...w00t Since Blender 2.80 the CATS tab...
You can also find material combiner here:https://github.com/Grim-es/material-combiner-addon Okay, that's all cool and all, but I don't like using an unofficial one, so what can I do? Well, you have to use Blender 3.5.x or 3.6.x (excluding 3.6.0, as that's a buggy mess). ...