Cationorm眼药水- 用于缓解干眼症患者的症状,常常表现为瘙痒,烧灼感,刺痛感,异物感。所有这些症状在暴露于外部因素(风,灰尘,烟雾,污染,房间空调)之后,以及由于光学设备上的过度紧张(在计算机上长时间的辛苦工作)而可能出现。 Cationorm是一种不含防腐剂的乳白色液体形式的眼睛低渗乳液(pH 5.0-7.5)。眼药水推荐用于消...
Cationorm~R (cationic emulsion eye drops) In dry eye disease: a guide to its useCationorm is a unique preservative-free option for the treatment of the symptoms of dry eye that offers some advantages over conventional artificial tears. The electrostatic interaction between the positively charged ...
1. Cationorm~R (cationic emulsion eye drops) In dry eye disease: a guide to its use [J] . Katherine A. Lyseng-Williamson Drugs & therapy perspectives: for rational drug selection and use . 2016,第8期 机译:Cationorm〜R(阳离子乳剂眼药水)在干眼病中的使用指南 2. Changes in Signs ...
Purpose Dry eye disease (DED), the result of an insufficient tear film, is manifest by symptoms of ocular discomfort and ocular surface damage. An ideal DED therapy would regenerate each deficient tear film layer. Cationorm, a preservative-free cationic emulsion, augments the aqueous-mucous and ...
Сationormeye目薬- ドライアイ症候群の患者の状態を緩和するために使用されます。ドライアイ症候群は、しばしばかゆみ、灼熱感、うずき、異物の感覚で現れます。これらの症状はすべて、外的要因(風、埃、煙、汚染、空調)にさらされた後、光学装置に激しい負荷がかかった場合(コンピュータでの...
Purpose Evaluation of the impact of lubricant eye drops on the corneal healing process and corneal toxicity. Methods Optive and Cationorm were tested regarding corneal irritability and effect on corneal healing against Vismed and 0.01% benzalkonium chloride (BAK) as negative and positive control. ...
Aragona P, Spinella R, Rania L, et al. Assessment of the efficacy of Cationorm(R) in patients with moderate dry eye compared with Optive(R) and Emustil(R) eye drops. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh). 2011;89(S246).P. Aragona, R. Spinella, L. Rania et al., "Assessment of the ...
Lubricant eyedropsOptive (R)Vismed Multi (R)Purpose: To evaluate the impact of lubricant eyedrops on the corneal healing process and corneal toxicity.Pinheiro, RalphPanfil, ClaudiaSchrage, NorbertDutescu, Ralf MichaelEuropean journal of ophthalmology...