DrawingName = CATIA.ActiveWindow.Name NumberOfViews = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Sheets.ActiveSheet.Views.Count If NumberOfViews > 2 Then ' Display file open dialog FilePath = CATIA.FileSelectionBox("Choose the file you want to relink to this drawing", "*.*", CatFileSelectionModeOpen) If FilePath ...
This property returns or sets the x coordinate of the drawing view's coordinate system origin, expressed in millimeters with respect to the sheet coordinate system. This method is not available with 2D Layout for 3D Design. Example: Retrieves the x coordinate of the coordinate system origin of ...
* Property yAxisData( ) As double Returns or sets the y coordinate of the drawing view coordinate system origin. It is expressed with respect to the sheet coordinate system. This coordinate, like any length, is measured in millimeters. Warning: This method is not available with 2D Layout for...
二、VBA CATIA 工程图 代码示例 由于具体的VBA代码取决于具体的设计需求和CATIA版本,以下仅提供一个简化的代码框架,用于说明如何在CATIA中使用VBA创建基本的视图和标注: vba复制代码Sub CreateDrawingView() Dim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument Dim oSheet As DrawingSheet Dim oView As DrawingView ' 假设已经有一...
简介:CATIA二次开发VBA入门——语法、名词等的解释 本篇博客文章分享一些CATIA vba基础相关的代码,包括On Error错误控制,执行字符串代码,执行宏,CATIA选择文件并打开,轴系的设定选择,if语句的简写,参数可有可无等 判断那一句有错误 采用On Error 包住可能有错误的代码,然后输出错误的number属性,就可以找出哪一行代码...
If drawingDoc.Type = “Drawing” Then drawingDoc.ExportData “C:\Exports\” & drawingDoc.Name & “.pdf”, “pdf” End If Next drawingDoc MsgBox “批量导出完成!” End Sub “` 3. 用户界面增强:增加自定义菜单 可以通过VBA代码向CATIA添加自定义菜单,并将特定功能绑定到菜单项上: ...
If Janelas_array(i) = Drawing_name Then Dim specsAndGeomWindow1 As SpecsAndGeomWindow Set specsAndGeomWindow1 = windows1.Item(Janelas_array(i)) specsAndGeomWindow1.Activate Component_display = "Ok" End If Next For i = 3 To Number_View ...
利用CATIA VBA二次开发(宏),通过Drawing中的API,按照用户输入的参数创建路径圆弧,并将输入文本的字符按计算后的角度与坐标放置在指定位置,实现环形文字的创建。 以下为动图演示。 图中演示的脚本可通过下载下面的附件得到。此代码为加密vbe脚本,仅作功能试用,文本前会自动加上“小狼CATIA”前缀。
02-01 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( What is VBA ) 02:23 02-10 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Expressions Math Operators ) 03:47 02-09 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Putting Data in Variable ) 03:29 02-07 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Literals ) ...