CATIA线束设计,第一步要定义各种连接器、扎带、卡扣、支架、电器盒等零部件的电器属性,所以我们首先要用到的就是“电子元件装置Electrical Part Design”功能模块。 进入Electrical Part Design模块 开始菜单——设备与系统——电气线束规则——Electrical Part Design Electrical Part Design模块功能诠释 设备架MountingEqu...
CATIA学习资料--Part Design Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 20011
CATIA V5零件设计入门学习笔记:一、设计路径 基于草图的设计:从基础草图开始,通过添加和修改特征来构建3D模型。 基于基本形体的设计:利用立方体和球体等基本形体,通过布尔运算生成实体。二、草图与特征工具 进入零件设计模块:新建文件时选择Part Design,创建几何图形集的选项根据需求自定义。 掌握Sketch...
CATIA V5: Part Design Expert 888-559-6167 CONTACT US OVERVIEW CLASSROOM LENGTH:1 days INSTRUCTOR-LED ONLINE LENGTH:2 days PREREQUISITES:CATIAV5 Fundamentals. DESCRIPTION:Thiscourse will teach you how to design complex 3D mechanical parts using the Boolean approach. You will learn how to work in ...
CATIA V5从入门到精通(第二版)上QQ阅读看本书 新人免费读10天 领看书特权 1.2.2 Part Design 环境 立即登录阅读 上翻页区 功能呼出区 下翻页区上QQ阅读 APP听书 浏览器可能消耗较大流量, 点我立即省流量 继续浏览精彩内容 QQ阅读APP 新用户海量小说免费读 打开 在此处浏览 继续...
Part Design中,如果设计流程非常正规,则由于设计方法方面的原因,最终输出结果(发送给下级供 应商的数据)是一个与设计输入带链接的死的实体. 我们知道,尽管在设计中我们对圆形零件定义了它是孔还是螺纹,但CATIA在视觉上,螺纹与孔是不分 的,只有在下游的操作中(比如绘图)我们才能在视觉上分辨出一个形状究竟是孔还是...
This site provides all the information about the CATIA V5 design workshop. This CATIA training has been developed by a team of highly qualified engineers employed by GATE. With exercises that are aerospace related this workshop introduces Part Design, Generative Shape Design, Assembly Design and Dr...
The mounting feature of Catia v5 makes it easier for users to work with their designs. The tool allows users to mount parts of a design directly on the model, which reduces time and effort in creating complex designs. How does mounting work in Catia v5? What are the different types of...
design. The case studies, as well as other exercises in the course do not necessary reflect real world examples. They are created to demonstrate the many tools CATIA has to offer. Student Notes: CATIA V5 Fundamentals Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Case Study: Introduction to CATIA C ...
3.3 对孤立特征的识别(Part Design Feature Recognition)书名: CATIA V5从入门到精通(第二版)作者名: 李成 韩海玲 李方方编著本章字数: 1112字更新时间: 2019-01-01 21:20:30首页 书籍详情 目录 自动阅读00:04:58 摸鱼模式 字号 背景 手机阅读 ...