CATIAV5Training CATIAV5装配设计 AssemblyDesign CATIAV5Training 一、进入装配模块的方法:<1>Start菜单 <2>File-新建Drawing 二、概念介绍 CATIAV5Training 零件:零件是最基本的装配单位,是特征树上显示的最后一级独立的几何体文件.组件:组件由零件和<或>其它组件组成.组件可以是几个零件构成的子装配,也可以是 ...
●Snap Move:快速移动 ●Manipulating a Component:偏移或旋转子装配 3.2.2装配约束环境参数设定(Constraints标签) Paste Components 1)选择(Without the assembly constraints)选项,你能够粘贴一个或几个没有装配约束的子装配。 2)选择(With the assembly constraints only after a Copy)选项,你能够粘贴一个或几个子...
CATIA V5 装配设计Assembly DesignCATIA V5 装配设计Assembly Design是帮助设计师用自上而下或自下而上的方法定义和管理多层次的大型装结构。 3.1 相关的图像菜单 311产品结构工具Product
(Move Toolbar ) Manipulating a Component:偏移或旋转子装配 Snap Move :快速移动 Smart Move :聪明移动 Exploding an Assembly:爆炸图 1 .1.3 约束工具(Constraints Toolbar ) Coincidence Constraint :同轴约束 Contact Constraint :接触约束 Offset Constraint :偏移约束 2 catia装配详细教程--第2页 catia装配详细...
图图 5-1 从从File菜单下进入三维装配模块菜单下进入三维装配模块 (3)单击)单击Workbench图标,弹出图图标,弹出图5-2 所示所示 【Welcome to CATIA V5】对话框,选择其中对话框,选择其中 Assembly Design图标,进入三维装配模块。图标,进入三维装配模块。 图图 5-2 【We 5、lcome to CATIA V5】对话框对话框 装配...
CATIA V5 Training CATIA V5 装配设计 Assembly Design CATIA V5 Training 一、进入装配模块的方法: (1)Start菜单 (2)File-新建Drawing CATIA V5 Training 二、概念介绍 零件:零件是最基本的装配单位,是特征树上显示的最后一级独立的几何体文件。 组件:组件由零件和(或)其它组件组成。组件可以是几个零件...
Move new part in assembly where you want to move your axis. After that just copy and paste result your body or surface from original part to new part. And save your new part. That is all. It is same as moving part. So you can use translate commands also. But you have to make a...
–CATIA V5 –R7 to R21–CATIA V5-6 –R2012 (R22) to R2024 (R34)CATIA File Formats Supported –.CATPart, .CATProduct, .CATDrawing, .3DXML, .CGR Glovius supports Parts and Assembly files from CATIA V5 and CATIA V6, NX, Creo, SolidWorks, Inventor, Solid Edge, Glovius also supports STEP...
This behaviour can be used to great advantage, if for example a user wants to translate a part in 2mm increments to see how the position appears in the assembly, whilst being able to just drag the mouse and be confident the part will only move in the set increments. Discover more about...
The tutorial uses a simple LEGO car as an example, but the same principles can be applied to assemble any complex assembly. The tutorial is designed for beginners who are new to CATIA v5 Assembly Design Workbench. It assumes that you have a basic underst